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viernes, febrero 17, 2006

Family law & divorce law blogs : Resource and marketing tool

Jim Calloway, the Director of the Oklahoma Bar Association's Management Assistance Program and frequent writer and speaker on legal technology issues, has an excellent article on Family law and divorce law blogs.(pdf)

Jim says blogs serve family law and divorce lawyers in two ways. One, family law blogs are a resource for legal information and insight to use in your practice. Second, such blogs are an excellent marketing tool in attracting new clients. Jim cites a few examples in the article.

Jim knows what he's talking about. It was the handling of a few too many divorce cases that drove Jim out of active practice. Seriously, Jim follows law and technology as much as anyone, especially when it comes to practical information for small law firms. Having been there himself he cares deeply about solos and small firms.

Subscribe to the RSS feeds from his Law Practice Tips Blog. You'll learn a lot.

On a personal note, and don't let it go your head Jim, meeting you was one of the real good things to come out of traveling to new York City for LegalTech last week. It's having a beer with guys like you who don't have a false bone in their body and comparing notes on past experiences that makes traveling to conferences worthwhile.

Sincerely yours Rodrigo González Fernández consultajuridica.blogspot.com


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