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sábado, noviembre 26, 2005

Perdon que les transcriba en Inglés , pero es mejor y además podemos practicar:
A proposito de los tratados de libre comercio que Chile ha suscrito con China , en USA se dice:

Will China Punish Western-based Law Firms?
Do the economic rewards from doing business in China compensate for the risks?
Read today's account of Law firm in trouble for illegal acts By Zheng Yi (China Daily). Read it carefully. How can western-based law firms quantify their risk of falling into disfavor in the same fashion as the Chinese firms referred to in this story.
I know that a number of foreign law firms have done well in China for many years and so there is a basis for optimism that other foreign law firms will do well there also.
But, what if China decides that these law firms are expendable or worse?
This post comes dangerously close to being political — I raise the issue because the story I refer to should be a table topic for the risk managers of the firms who think China is the next "promised land".Posted In The Legal Profession

Saludos Rodrigo González Fernández

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