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domingo, diciembre 04, 2005

Business acceleratio

Business acceleration - Asking the right questions
In planning for next year, ask yourself the following questions:
1. What are the two most important business outcomes we are working to achieve in the next six months? 2. What behaviors will be necessary in order to increase the chances we will achieve those desired business outcomes? 3. Whom do we need to influence in order to get both the desired behaviors and the desired business results? 4. How will we influence these people? 5. Who will specifically provide the influence to the various individuals?
(Courtesy of Dan Coughlin, corporate & career catalyst)
If you want help in answering these questions, see our classic guide (called the "Bible of running a law practice"), Attorney & Law Firm Guide to The Business of Law, 2nd ed. (Pub. ABA 2002).
Ed.Poll, has a very good blog where we can learn a lot, sincerely tours, Rodrigo González Fernández, consultajuridica.blogspot.com   lawyerschile.blogspot.com

1 comentario:

  1. Sr Gonzalez Fernandez: muy bueno el artículo. Son de gran utilidad para nuestra profesión de abogados y para todos los que se van internando en el mundo de los negocios en general. Felicitaciones .
